The CREATIVE AGORA project supports non-formal, participatory adult education in the disadvantaged and diverse communities of Europe on a European scale. The goal of CREATIVE AGORA is to design and transmit learning and practice between the fields of community education, arts, and technology.
Open call for artists at IICCA – DemArt
Under the DemArt project, IICCA is looking for individual artists/ artist groups / collectives who wish to contribute to the community of the 7th district of Budapest through developing an art piece. Artistic projects can be proposed from, and involve any artistic discipline (visual, performing, sound, mixed etc.) but must contain long-lasting impact and engagement for the local community. Submitted projects will be assessed by a group of art commissioners from the local community.
InThisTogether Workshop – DemArt
“In this together” is the concept of a participatory circus show that at several points relies on the audience in order to happen at all. The basic intent is to extend the internal experiences of the artists to a wider public, to involve them close enough to let them experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to our disciplines. This involves sharing some of the risk, in a controlled environment and is a major part of the research we intend to dive further into.
OPEN HOUSE – Academy for Actors of Social Change focusing on ARTIVISM
This event is about to
– describe the Academy for Actors of Civil Change focusing on Artivism,
introduce the organizers and
answer the questions of the possible participants!
OPEN CALL – Academy for Actors of Civil Change focusing on Artivism 2023
Are you working in social or educational field?
Are you working with underprivileged communities?
Do you want to learn new techniques from international experts to improve your skills?
Summer Academy 2022 – Meet our facilitators
Academy for Actors of Civil Change project’s summer academy is held between 1 and 16 August where our work is supported by experienced facilitators – let’s meet them!
Summer Academy – OPEN HOUSE // Academy for Actors of Civil Change
This OPEN HOUSE is about to describe the Summer Academy, introduce the organizers and to answer the questions of the possible attendants.
Are you working on social or educational field? Are you working with underprivileged communities? Do you want to learn new techniques from
international experts to improve your skills?
V4 SAP – Open Days & Workshops
Fostering Social Art Practices in the Visegrad Countries
What’SAP – local work of the Hungarian team
After last summer’s Academy, the trainees started their months-long local work – the Hungarian team (Heléna Ménesi, Szilvia Markos, Viktória Csaba, Zsófia Kozma and Zalán Haragonics) with Indahouse Hungary in Hernádszentandrás. But how is the joint work going? We asked the trainees about this: