Anna Sq

Anna Némethné Molnár – cultural manager, Head of PP Social

Throughout my studies (history – geography teacher, environmental educator, cultural manager) and my previous work, I have always had a special interest in interdisciplinary fields and different ways of transferring knowledge and skills. I attach great importance to the impact of the arts on individuals and communities and their role in society, as well as their function as a specific means of linking and triggering social, environmental and economic entities.


Lívia Marschall – project manager

With an academic background in cultural anthropology, my professional interests lie at the intersection of education, art and community engagement. I joined Pro Progressione’s Social pillar in October 2023 as Cultural manager. Previously, I worked at the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) in Berlin, overseeing the implementation of a transnational Roma pride campaign. Prior to that, I was Program manager of Central European University’s executive education unit, the Global Policy Academy. Outside my project management roles, I have also worked as a curator, editor, copywriter and executive producer in numerous interdisciplinary and community-focused art projects. I hold an MA in cultural anthropology and an MA in English language and literature from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Hungary.

Profile Picture For Pp Website 2

András Simongáti-Farquhar – project manager

I have experience in child and refugee protection, music and technology teaching, talent mentoring and social work. As a project manager in the Social Pillar I am happy to bring together my work in both the arts and community-focused fields.


Kata Nyeste – projekt manager assistant

I believe that art builds bridges between people and stories, sparking conversations that are sometimes hard to put into words. I love immersing myself in it, whether as a spectator or a creator, because it always offers something new and unexpected.


Amidst the unprecedented speed and scale of forced migration and climate mobility in Europe, arts in education has a significant role in promoting social inclusion, diversity and cohesion. Critically exploring cultural hierarchies, divisions and exclusions within arts and education, INTRACOMP develops methods, digital resources and frameworks for advancing Intercultural and Transcultural Competence (ITC) in lifelong learning in Cultural Awareness and Expression.

Community (Builders) Under Construction

The CUC // Community (Builders) Under Construction project aims to find new, innovative ways in which art can contribute to community building in marginalised groups. The role of art in community building is getting increasingly crucial, however, with a lack of well-structured methodology and adaptable ethical framework, its direct effect is still unconscious and not sustainable.


The general concept of CREATResili is based on the approach of using creative means, especially social design to build the resilience of marginalized groups and raise awareness of social issues. Among a wide range of creative forms and expressions, our focus is on the socially engaged arts, which, due to its subject, targets social inclusion and enhances social resilience through creativity.

Academy for Actors of Social Change focusing on ARTIVISM

We organize our yearly Summer Academy Erasmus+ program, which focuses on social change. The 2-weeks training program invites professionals from social and educational fields coming from different countries from all over Europe and Erasmus+ eligible countries.


Lingotell is an innovative, people-centred and forward-looking approach, aiming towards a real change in how stories are managed and valued both as part of our cultural heritage and to fuel the storytelling of the minority or indigenous languages in Europe and thereby also our European shared future.


PERforming arts to promote social welfARE access in Europe

PERFARE (2022-2025) is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Culture Programme, which intends to enhance the cooperation between the cultural and the welfare sector by creating innovative models for artistic interventions supporting people with physical or mental health issues.


The What’SAP project is a 2-year international project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. It is based on the exchange of the methodologies between the four project partners from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Serbia, and France.

V4-SAP – Social Art Practices

The V4-SAP project is focusing on Social Art Practices in the V4 region. This project has some interrelated components with our ongoing Academy for Actors of Civil Change project, but it is independent from it. Our goal with the V4-SAP project is to implement in the V4 region knowledge and best practices harvested from our already running Academy.

Online @cademy Conference

On 2nd October, Pro Progressione has organised its first large-scale digital conference titled @cademy Conference: Social art practices in the digital era.


2020. október


Anadolu University (TR)
Asociación Raíces de Coriander (ES)
Studio Skit (PL)
Kulturanova (RS)
Sineglossa (IT)
Záhrada (SK)
Di Mini Teatro (FR)


The idea for ACADEMY+ was born from the common projects of the partners in the field of youth and socially engaged art practices. Its aim is to further develop the methods used by them in their daily work through joint brainstorming, testing and regular feedback, and to make the creative development of disadvantaged young people even more effective by coordinating and combining the four methods.

Academy for Actors of Civil Change

We organize yearly our Summer Academy Erasmus+ programme, which focuses on social change as the title shows. The 2-weeks training programme invites professionals of social and educational fields coming from 8 different countries from all over Europe and provide them the opportunity to learn formal and non-formal artistic methods and put the newly gained knowledge into practice with the help of professional advisers.

FAR – Fight Against Radicalisation

FAR – Fight Against Radicalisation was an international training for artists, youth workers, young pedagogues, social workers and volunteers who believe that art can be a powerful tool toward social change. The aim of the project was to find different artistic tools that can raise awareness around radicalisation. The project was a collaboration between four European partners. In the framework of the FAR project we were implementing a youth exchange which was result in a series of participatory workshops for high-school students and a thematic festival.


Play! MOBILE aimed to encourage cultural participation in the micro regions of Europe. We believe that community art practice, the creation of modifiable site-specific installations and the development of a participatory game as a platform for interaction between artist-artifact and public, offers a sophisticated and inclusive way for capacity building and the development of new audiences. By turning public spaces of the visited settlements into playgrounds of contemporary art, we aimed to create an alternative way of cultural consumption, a methodology to present contemporary artworks without the necessity of having all the satisfactory infrastructure.

Summer Academy ’17

Our Summer Academy for Non-Formal Youth Practices aimed to address the challenges taking place in the education of underprivileged children from remote areas, facing a lack of basic human competence. Based on the recognition that stage is an exceptionally effective asset of community building, our core team established new ways of social work through arts and culture to work with the disadvantaged youth.