The idea for ACADEMY+ was born from the common projects of the partners in the field of youth and socially engaged art practices. Its aim is to further develop the methods used by them in their daily work through joint brainstorming, testing and regular feedback, and to make the creative development of disadvantaged young people even more effective by coordinating and combining the four methods.
During the two-year process of ACADEMY+, participating professionals will get a thorough insight into each other’s working methods, enriching their knowledge in the fields of Drama Pedagogy and Theatre in Education, Forum Theatre techniques, Sensorial and Image Theater, and the NarrActive Creation technique. During the project, partners will not only have the opportunity to further develop their own methodologies with the help of each other, but also to create a new, merged methodology that they can use in both their joint projects and other work. As a result of the project, an extensive toolkit will be created, which will provide a guide for professionals beyond the consortium and members of the SAP Network – social and youth workers, educators, artists – helping them in their daily work.
Katalin Gordos, Anna Seress, Adrienn Lőrincz
Anadolu University (TR)
Asociación Raíces de Coriander (ES)
Di Mini Teatro (FR)