In this summer, our dedicated Sparse PLUS – Supporting & Promoting Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe professional team embarked on a tour of the five municipalities where the SPARSE Plus TeatRom Festival will take place (Alsóvadász, Sajókaza and Borsodbóta) this mid-October. This early visit was essential to ensure everything is set for an amazing event.
Musical Walls – the experience of commissioning for the 7th district of Budapest
In May, we reached the final stage of the DemArt selection process. Our three chosen artists presented their ideas to us and some of the local community at the Bethlen Square Theatre. It was wonderful to see the work and imagination behind the pieces. In all honesty, we knew it was not possible to select ‘the best’ from such a wide range of disciplines, so we agreed to come back to our main objective: how much does the piece connect to the local community of District 7?
What’SAP – local work of the Hungarian team
After last summer’s Academy, the trainees started their months-long local work – the Hungarian team (Heléna Ménesi, Szilvia Markos, Viktória Csaba, Zsófia Kozma and Zalán Haragonics) with Indahouse Hungary in Hernádszentandrás. But how is the joint work going? We asked the trainees about this:
Building Community in a Lockdown Year
Careers in the Common Good (CCG) was created out of a desire to contribute to a more open, innovative Eastern Europe. Our mission is to inspire the youth of Central and Eastern Europe to apply their passion for the enrichment of their communities: there are as many paths as there are people, and we seek to empower young adults to find the path that is right for them.