The Anti-Bullying Movement Series is designed to use art & culture (primarily dance) to disrupt bullying in youth-at-risk by increasing the skills & competences of artists, educators, youth workers, educational leaders, & support staff that serve youth.
Vučedol Megagame – interactive board game at Európa Pont
The Vučedol Megagame is a team game where you can try out how early Bronze Age communities lived. Teams are tasked with building and developing a settlement in the Bronze Age Vucedol culture, over five generations and five rounds.
How can an educational project be creative?
We are constantly seeing how our changing world affects every aspect of our lives – including education and work. Everyday life demands more and more flexibility and creativity from us – why would this not also be true for our educational projects, in the field of non-formal education?
Think global, act local?
Stronger Peripheries is a large-scale cooperation project supported by the EU’s Creative Europe programme, gathering 14 partners, from 10 European countries. It acts within the performing arts sector through the creation of artistic productions, the training of creative and cultural workers, and the proposal of new cultural policies based on the promotion and assessment of participative practices. The project’s latest event, ‘Towards fairer international cultural cooperation: visions from the peripheries’, took place in Barcelona. The seminar was attended by our colleague Fanni Tóth, who tells us how she saw the meeting:
Social Art Practices Conference 2021
In our contemporary world, the cultural sector and the arts are increasingly at interest in having direct social and environmental impact in the fight against for example social exclusion, gender inequality, and environmental crisis. Social Art practices and Socially engaged arts are umbrella terms for methodologies attempting to just that: utilising the potentials and powers of the arts for changing the present and future societies and environments we live in.
“It was exhilarating to see an audience”
MOST MUSIC programme’s Urban Policy pillar is an incubator for projects connecting the music sector and cities. The programme helps develop and implement initiatives that draw the ties between the creative sector and the region’s urban environments closer. The first round of the Urban Policy pillar seek to facilitate collaboration between local institutions and people with great ideas.
CCG Tips for Your Career -What did we learn from a year of reflective life stories?
Eszter Boros, founder of the Careers in the Common Good project, helps us with some very useful advice:
Reporting back from Academy – Academy for Actors of Civil Change
The Academy for Actors of Civil Change is a 14-day international course designed to develop the skills of professionals working in the social field by introducing them to non-formal, artistic methods. Dóri Laczkó wrote a report about our Summer Academy at the end of August: from the artists’ point of view – Where are they now?
One of the aims of project is to bring artists – and thus arts – closer to museums. That is the reason why we work with 3 artist groups on new narratives for museums and visitors, using a digital collection.
Careers in the Common Good (CCG) -Autumn programmes
Through workshops, panel discussions and other programmes, Careers in the Common Good showcase tangible career paths, build a community of forward-thinking individuals and encourage youth to think outside the box as you embark upon their career. With themes of sustainability, human rights and entrepreneurship, our programmes emphasise self-reflection and career choice. What programmes do they plan for the next months? Read it here!