Let’s meet at the third workshop of our Young Climate Campaigners (CLICA) project on Saturday, March 9, at Bolygó!
CLICA – Environment & Art – Second workshop
Let’s meet at the second workshop of our Young Climate Campaigners (CLICA) project on Saturday, February 10, at Bolygó!
CLICA – Environment & Art – First workshop
The first topic of the workshop series of our Young Climate Campaigners project is the Ludwig Museum’s exhibition ‘Handle with Care’, which explores the theme of care with the tools of contemporary art.
Learning, Teaching, Training – Cultural Safety and Cyberbullying
The Anti-Bullying Movement Series is designed to use art & culture (primarily dance) to disrupt bullying in youth-at-risk by increasing the skills & competences of artists, educators, youth workers, educational leaders, & support staff that serve youth.
“I decided to focus on the values of the companies and organizations I work for”
Eszter has been working with us for over two years but some of the details about the motives and inspiration behind this initiative were news to us too. So we looked behind the scenes at Careers in the Common Good with her: