The Echo Academies Artist Residency, conducted from September 4 to September 24, 2023, was a comprehensive and transformative international program that revolved around the exploration of Budapest’s urban industrial heritage between 1860 and 1960. This event brought together ten exceptionally talented artists who embarked on a unique and inspiring creative journey. It was designed to empower artists with the knowledge, skills, and creative energy needed to bring their artistic projects to life, particularly within the context of Budapest’s industrial history.
Art Residency – Sofia
During the Sofia Art Residency of the ECHO II project (May 2021), the artists-in-residence worked in special rented ateliers in one of the districts of Sofia. Marcella Papp, a visual artist based in Budapest represented Hungary during the residency.
ECHO II – Looking for an artist!
Unfortunately, it turned out at the last minute that one of the artists of our ECHO II project could not participate in the residency starting on July 1 in Győr.