

The project's website

Young Climate Campaigners for the European Green Deal

CLICA leverages artivism (art + activism) to promote youth engagement with climate change and increase the voice of disadvantaged youth in the EU’s climate policy.

In each partner country, we are creating Local Youth Assemblies, communities for young people to work with artists and climate scientists, led by a facilitator. Our Open Labs, or workshops, will result in ‘art-based interventions’; creative products that communicate young people’s demands to European decision-makers on climate change. In addition, each Local Assembly will delegate a representative to meet young people at the EU level in Finland for a four-day camp to discuss the different environmental and social challenges in different regions of the EU. All Youth Assemblies created by the project will develop a sustainability plan to continue as a permanent “Local Change Labs” after the project has ended.


Bálint Antal


2022 - 2024


Latra Innovation Lab (GR)
Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali E Creative Scarl (IT)
Asociacion Caminos (E)
Csi Center For Social Innovation Ltd (CY)
Nuoriso – Ja Matkailukesku S Hyvarilaoy (FIN)
Comhargnó Imeall Teoranta (IRL)