Vučedol Culture – Touristic valorisation of common prehistoric heritage. A cross-border region where rivers connect, not divide.
The CBC – Interreg project focuses on rediscovering our cross-border heritage, the so-called Vucedol culture. Our main aim is to boost tourism in the territory of the formal prehistoric Vucedol culture, both in Hungary and Croatia. The project has been developed on the phenomena that the Vucedol culture became well-known in Croatia, while it is still an undiscovered potential in Hungary. Valorising the cultural and touristic potential of the shared prehistoric cultural heritage could become a pillar of sustainable tourism in the region.
The project was grown from the recently ended Creative Europe project titled Journey to the Beginnings.
Gergő Paukovics
March - November 2021
Ördögkatlan Fesztivál (HU)
Vučedol Culture Museum (HR)
Udruga PLANTaža (HR)
DDTG Duna Fejlesztő Transznacionális Csoport Nonprofit Kft. (HU)