Pécs Game2

Vučedol Megagame – interactive board game at Európa Pont

The Vučedol Megagame is a team game where you can try out how early Bronze Age communities lived. Teams are tasked with building and developing a settlement in the Bronze Age Vucedol culture, over five generations and five rounds.

Date: 18 March 2022 15:00
Location: Európa Pont

During the game, participants will encounter historical facts and beliefs about the period that we know from archaeological discoveries. But the creation of a “new world” depends entirely on the creativity of the players. Team goals can only be achieved if they are in line with the collective goals of the whole community. If the teams and team members work together properly – the future of the settlements is sustainable – they will be rewarded with the special artefacts of the era. To do so, newly formed villages must pay attention to several key aspects, such as the proper functioning of society, economy, religion and army. The game lasts about three hours.

The event is free but registration is required: https://vucedol.eventbrite.com

The official website of the project is available here: vucedol.eu

From 18:00, Ljubomir Nikolić’s workshop on “prehistoric” music and a round table discussion on the relationship between contemporary art and prehistoric heritage: https://www.facebook.com/events/287554463403520

Ljubomir Nikolic’s workshop in 2 minutes: https://youtu.be/S7qepV3i2_8