Jianan Qu Viewers 1 Kicsi


In October 2018, ianan Qu and his company created a performance related to Ludwig Musem’s „Westkunst-Ostkunst collection” in Budapest. Jianan Qu has been working with performances researching art spaces since 2015, where he examines the relationship between the artistic pieces, the exhibition hall and the viewers. Qu, the chinese artist, currently based in Vienna, turned the exhibition rooms of Ludwig Museum into a vivid, active space, and made an attempt to reinterpret the role of reception.

The museum is a meeting point of art and people. A place, where we can observe the art pieces. But can the observation itself turned into art?

By transforming the museum’s exhibition rooms into vivid, active spaces, Jianan Qu reinterprets the role of observation, and makes an attempt to explore new viewpoints. ”Rethinking” a space happens not only on a theoretic basis, but on a visual and physical as well. By answering theoretic questions with artistic answers, Jianan Qu discovers new opportunities in representing the „white cube.”

As the first step of our project view/ers, we have held a workshop between 7-11 November 2016 in Budapest, where 12 creators have participated from Hungary, Austria and Poland. By the end of this workshop, Jianan Qu has selected the participants of the main performance.

„Exploratory work” was held in two venues: in Ludwig Museum, Budapest and in MUMOK, Vienna with the participation of the selected artists.

With the support of Ludwig Museum and Hungarian National Cultural Fund we were given the opportunity to perform on CAFe Budapest Festival, and to invite partners from Vienna as well.


Participants: Jakub Borkowicz · Paula Dominici · Erika Fransson · Elsa Mourlam · Vilte Svarplyte · Madeleine Schrauber · Dominik Tandl


Tímea Szőke, Zsuzsanna Balogh, Anita Bognár


August 2016 - October 2017


Ludwig Múzeum (HU)
Osztrák Kulturális Fórum (HU)
Museum moderner kunst stiftung ludwig (AT)