Urban ParticipArt, a strategic partnership within the Erasmus + program, is a laboratory that develops innovative, culture-based participatory methodologies to engage civilians (especially young people) in urban remodeling. The concrete result of our hands-on research and joint experimentation will be the development of a participatory art toolkit for urban youth. The toolbox created during the project is a set of art tools based on the exchange of different creative methods and participation-based collaboration.
The involved cultural and artistic organizations based in Barcelona, Budapest and Rotterdam are learning about adapting and applying each others participatory art techniques. So far we have been exchanging theoretical and practical knowledge of three theatre techniques and the PhotoVoice method.
In the next steps, these techniques will be combined with digital storytelling in order to create a common methodological toolkit that will enable cultural organizations to engage local youth in the urban transformation process with the help of participatory arts. Young people can thus experience how they have a say in shaping their environment and what tools they have to take part in change.
Fanny Hajdú
2019 - 2021
Home of Participation (NL)
INCA Catalunya (ES)
Meet Lab (HU)