17mitost 2

17th International MitOst Festival

The festival's website

The 17th International MitOst Festival took place in Budapest between 2-6 October 2019. The festival takes place every year in another country and it is organized around the annual members assembly. On this occasion MitOst invites its friends, members and everyone interested in cultural and civic exchange in Europe and its neighbouring regions to the International MitOst Festival, which event is always organised by the MitOst festival team of Berlin and the local team of the host country.

The very first International MitOst Festival was held in Pécs in 2003, so 2019 was not the first year when a Hungarian city gave home of this four-day international forum, which offering colorful and exciting cultural activities, trainings and networking opportunities.

About 300 participants joined the Festival from Europe and neighboring regions, but also from many other parts of the world. The event focused on the workshops led by the participants, which provided an opportunity to showcase their own cultural and civil projects, initiatives and experiences in their sphere. The festival offered plenty of spaces for self-organised intercultural collaboration. Film screenings, exhibitions, discussions, readings, city tours, and concerts brought the spirit of MitOst to the host city while connecting members, partner organisations and local inhabitants.


Sára Pallag, Réka Orsolya Bogdán, Barna Petrányi


October 2019


MitOst e.V. (DE)
Jurányi Produkciós Közösségi Inkubátorház (HU)
Három Holló (HU)
Gólya (HU)
Lumen (HU)
Pinkponilo (HU)
Gólem Színház (HU)
Stereo Akt (HU)
Scallabouche Színház (HU)
Műhely Alapítvány (HU)
Jurányi Suterene (HU)
Móka Kávézó (HU)
Szimpla (HU)
TASZ – Társaság a Szabadságjogokért (HU)