Today was a day of celebration for the Bethlen Téri Színház as we officially announced the results of our LIFE Bauhausing Europe project’s Ideas Contest in Erzsébetváros. A special feature of the competition was that, in addition to the young Hungarian architects, a Spanish team also submitted an entry, and their idea won them third place.
🥁The results:
🥁1st prize: Krisztián Tóth, (Budapest), 6000 EUR
🥁2nd prize: Ádám Karlovecz, (Budapest), 5000 EUR
🥁3rd prize: Victor Pérez Sánchez, (Madrid), 4000 EUR
Congratulations to all the winners and we’d like to thank to all the architects who wanted to contribute to making the theatre more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive.
The LIFE BAUHAUSING EUROPE project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
Hungarian partners of the project: Pro Progressione, Erzsébetvárosi Önkormányzat