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2078 km – community theater performance

The distance between Budapest and Kikinda, Prague, Hernádszentandrás and Paris, a total of 2078 kilometres.

It is the distance our performers travel to create together. However, the journey they undertake is much longer. In 10 days, with the help of art, they find a common language while they bridge social and cultural differences albeit preserving the values they carry with them. The majority of our participants are socially disadvantaged youth who stand on stage for the first time in their lives. They are aided by socially engaged creators who aim to use the transformative power of art to bring about a more tolerant and just society.
The performance is part of a two-year-long methodological process, the collaboration of four artistic organisations from four countries within What’SAP project, supported by the European Union.

All proceeds from the show at the Szentendrei Teátrum will be donated to InDaHouse Hungary, a social innovation organization that works with socially disadvantaged children and young people living in Borsod county where our Hungarian participants come from.

Partners: Pro Progressione, Archa Theatre, Compagnie DK-BEL, Kulturanova

The project is supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

Duration of the performance: 70-90 minutes (without intermission)
Ticket price: 1500 Ft

The Facebook event of the performance is available here.