
S-EEE – Sustainable EEEmerging

The project's website

Sustainable EEEmerging (Emerging European Ensembles) is aiming to boost the sustainability of young artist careers and of organisations in Early Music.
This project fosters the transformation of Early Music into a sustainable and vibrant ecosystem.

By orchestrating innovative hybrid and blended learning initiatives, this project sets its sights on diverse stakeholders including young talents, music professionals, Early Music artists, students, and key industry players. S-EEE’s core objectives encapsulate its commitment to shaping a resilient future for Early Music by equipping emerging artists with entrepreneurship skills and sustainability competencies. The project provides a space for Early Music partners to discover and adopt sustainable and innovative approaches, enhancing local and global sustainability in the Early Music sector. Our goal is to create a dynamic platform that benefits musicians, professionals, students, and the broader community, through collaborations with a diverse range of artists, audiences, and local stakeholders, the project envisions a thriving ecosystem.

The project’s strategic action plan embodies:

  • Rigorous research into the needs of targeted groups, alongside progress tracking of sustainable practices through 10 case studies and a comprehensive evaluation process.
  • A comprehensive learning curriculum catered to 20 ensembles (over 100 musicians). This includes more than 100 residencies, encompassing 200 modules and 80 concerts.
  • A learning track tailored to ensure the sustainability of music venues from 11+ countries, delivered through 20 training sessions for over 100 staff members.
  • The creation of a Sustainability Roadmap for each of the 11 partners, designed to foster and propagate sustainable practices.
  • A series of 10 artistic laboratories that push the boundaries of sustainable artistic projects.
  • Two enriching Academies, designed to train 40 young musicians in the orchestral context while concurrently nurturing a robust community.
  • Establishment of 11 local and 8 transnational hubs, uniting 66+ organizations to realize 22 sustainable tours.
  • A vibrant community of 450 artists forged through a blend of online interactions and on-site events.
  • One final publication that comprehensively disseminates replicable results, serving as a beacon of inspiration for 8 partner networks.

Sustainable EEEmerging offers practical solutions that align music with eco-consciousness. Be part of this initiative as we work towards a more sustainable and harmonious future for Early Music across Europe and beyond.

Sustainable EEEmerging is the next step following EEE+ (EEE+ Facebook Page), another project supported by Creative Europe, which focused on facilitating the professional launch of young musicians in Early Music, promoting their work globally, and spotlighting the cultural legacy of European music.

S-EEE is a project funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

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