The “OPEN EUROPEAN SOCIETIES” brings together 12 partners from 8 countries, all committed to support migrant and refugee integration, community development, tackling xenophobia, discrimination and Hate Speech. The aim of the project is to eradicate the stigmatisation of migrants and refugees by helping the communities to overcome stereotypes and developing counter-narratives through video campaigns and interviews of third-country nationals – thus give more accurate insights into their situations and experiences.
One of the first outputs of the project is a research paper on the history of migration in the participating countries, through which all partners explored the impact of migration in their countries’ communities in the 20th century on sociopolitical, economic and cultural level. International and local workshops encourage cultural exchange between native citizens and third-country nationals using different forms of art and digital media that foster self-expression, cooperation and creativity.
The transnational events in Dresden, London and Thessaloniki aimed to reinforce the foundations laid for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding by involving native citizens, third-country nationals and representatives of the partner organizations in a series of cultural, art and digital media activities that encourage dialogue and cultural exchange. The project website provides an online library of resources which includes all the final products and activities of the project, aspiring to more understanding, diversity and acceptance.
In the video campaign, we asked the following questions (links to the answers):
‘What motivates you to wake up in the morning?’ · ‘What are you most proud of in your life?’ · ‘What does home mean to you?’ · ‘What was a big challenge for you?’ · ‘According to you, what is the biggest problem in the world right now?’
Réka Orsolya Bogdán, Sára Pallag
2018 augusztus - 2021 július
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (DE)
Municipality of Dresden (DE)
Memorare Pacem e.V. (DE)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (EL)
AddArt NGO (EL)
Aarhus University (DK)
European Reminiscence Network (UK)
Institute pro regionalni rozvoj (CZ)
La Transplanisphere (FR)
Center for Intercultural Dialogue (MK)
University of Greenwich (UK)