Pro Progressione (PP) is a Budapest-based artistic hub that connects people, professions, and ambitions by designing international collaborations in the field of culture. Pro Progressione focus its capacities on the fields where aim to have a positive long-term impact, thus Pro Progressione is built up on four main pillars, PP Social, PP Cult, PP Arts, […]
Pro Progressione (PP) is a Budapest-based artistic hub that connects people, professions, and ambitions by designing international collaborations in the field of culture. Pro Progressione focus its capacities on the fields where aim to have a positive long-term impact, thus Pro Progressione is built up on four main pillars, PP Social, PP Cult, PP Arts, PP Sound, PP Green and PP Plus. PP is active in the field of socially engaged arts, cultural & natural heritage interpretation, music as tradition and the productions of unique performances. PP’s innovative team consists of 15 full-time employee and we also have a traineeship programme for emerging cultural managers. Our team disposes of a large scale of professional competences and creativity, each of our members are personally engaged with arts and culture.
Pro Progressione has been implementing international projects supported by the European Commission for more than 10 years. PP has a strong track record of successful EU-funded creative projects (Creative Europe, Erasmus+, Interreg) with outstanding achievements in creative and multidisciplinary creation. PP believe in a mutual exchange between disciplines, art forms and actors of social and artistic
fields. PP’s overall objective is to create an international network of artists, institutions, and audiences by helping the communities to find their path towards arts.
Pro Progressione is highly engaged and active in a wide range of cultural associations and programmes: Culture Action Europe, IETM, MitOst, Voices of Culture, Association of Independent Performing Arts in Hungary and PM² Alliance. In 2021, Pro Progressione has been selected as an official partner of the European Commission’s New European Bauhaus Initiative. We are committed to contribute to this new initiative by bringing the European Green Deal to the people and reimagining together with the partnership a sustainable living in Europe and beyond.
Justification of participation: Pro Progressione has twelve years of experience in project management and has also gained expertise in managing projects with these objectives like managing the previously mentioned What’SAP project. PP promote socially engaged arts by connecting social, educational and artistic fields at the national and international level. They have carried out numerous projects all aiming to explore innovative ways of social inclusion and contribute to social transformation through the language of arts. In the last few years.
The main focus has been on underprivileged youth. The aim was to give these young people a chance to step out of their tight realities and meet new people, concepts and methods. Accordingly, Pro Progressione take responsible to leading the project management and coordination, along with the local works based on working together with minorities and marginalized groups.
Effetto Larsen is a Milan based cultu al association, which use relational art as an instrument for developing a sense of community. Theybuild and carry out projects that spark a sense of community among groups of people. Wherever there is the possibility to create or enhance connections, like at artistic festivals or within companies, they intervene. EL integrate their creative skills with communication and problem-solving strategies along with coaching and facilitation techniques. The association founded in 2009 has two permanent members of staff.
Effetto Larsen finds creative solutions that centre around people. Relational art has an untapped potential that can be applied to different social ecosystems ranging from artistic organizations to companies, institutions, and even whole territories. By listening to clients and analysing their needs, they aim to design appropriate and innovative solutions. Formats like: Stormo, Mnemosynem, After/Dopo, Tracce, Pop-Up Civilisation, The Fair of Others. Their services: team building; diversity and inclusion; experiential training; effective communication, public speaking, and storytelling; facilitation; emotional and behavioural coaching; team coaching and digital marketing and content production.
Effetto Larsen’s projects focus on activation, development, and transformational processes that are designed to impact the system and those who are part of it. They stimulate a conversation among people about the consequences of their actions in their environment and measure our activities in terms of legacy. Their goal is to allow the dialogue to continue and evolve, even when we are gone.
Justification of participation: On the basis of acquaintance made in meetings at relevant conferences and workshops, Effetto Larsen has been invited to the project because of their goals, working methods and experiences. As their knowledge is essential to achieve the project specific objectives. The methodology training and exchange, the selection process of the ambassadors, along with stakeholder communication issues were clearly the most relevant for them in the allocation of the responsibilities.
Compagnie DK-BEL (FR) strives to promote art in minorities ever since its creation in Villiers-le-Bel in 2004. It is a dance company which has performances created by both disabled and non-disabled artists. Their main focus is on sensitisation and inclusion by developing social bonds through artistic creation.
DK-BEL’s work is around three main axes:
– Artistic creation for ALL and coming together: developing the Social Link.
– The desire to place Humans as the priority at the heart of all projects led: to change perspectives.
– To be part of an international network through the sharing of art: opening up to the world.
All actions initiated by DK-BEL defend the values of empathy and sharing with the goal of having a social impact in our present society.
The repertoire of the dance company proposes a work based on the research and discovery of the dancers’ individual movement. The main focus is on inclusion through art. The co-founder and Artistic Director of DK-BEL, Sophie Bulbulyan also the artistic director of the International Anamesa Festival, a European meeting for youth on Art and Disability. She was one of two choreographers of the “Drops of
Breath” show, the first and only underwater dance performance in the world, (Greece – 2015). In 2018 the newspaper “Le Monde“ honoured Sophie as the laureate of the French Citizen living abroad Trophy for her artistic and cultural work. She will be part of the next artistic team for the European Capital 2024 in Salzkammergut in Austria for 2024.
DK-BEL have been developing and promoting Inclusive Arts and disability Arts. Convinced that changes will come from the education DKBEL has developed a methodology to work on different topics towards people in fragility :
– 1/ To allow each one to express himself overcoming any kind of difficulty: “you have a body you can be a dancer” ;
– 2/To give self confidence and working on recovering confidence to the others,
– 3/To fight against our fear to meet and work with people we don’t know
– 4/ To have having fun and enjoying any individual creation process
– 5/ To include the individual creation in a collective creation process
– 6 / To Perform in front of an audience on stage or in public space.