Re Patched Fullhd

“POLISH BLOOD [NEVER FAILED ME YET]” – hommage à Bogusław Schaeffer

“RE-PATCHED” is an international collaborative project aimed at rediscovering the
legacy of progressive Polish composer Bogusław Schaeffer. The collective of artists
explores Schaeffer's unconventional compositional methods, which blend the musical
traditions of the European avant-garde with Eastern European cultural roots, building
a bridge between Eastern and Western European cultural heritage. The project seeks
to preserve Schaeffer's legacy and pass it on to young composers in experimental
and contemporary music.

The “RE-PATCHED” concert focuses on Schaeffer’s open scores, presenting legendary works like the NonStop graphic score, which allows for free interpretation and improvisation, becoming a constantly evolving piece where the boundaries of musical and visual art blur. Schaeffer was an interdisciplinary artist who worked not only in music and theater but also in the visual arts. The concert will feature graphic pieces that were not originally created as musical works. In addition to Bogusław Schaeffer’s compositions, works composed by members of the RE-Patched ensemble will also be performed, paying tribute to the Polish composer.

The concert program is the result of a year of research in which we studied Schaeffer’s compositional methods and electronic music work with experts such as Marek Chołoniewski, a Polish composer and electroacoustic artist, and Paul Pignon, a composer and clarinetist working in Sweden and Serbia, who created the unique patch The Creature at the Radio Belgrade electronic studio. The Creature provided a
rich spectrum of sound possibilities for Pignon’s improvisations with the EMS Synthi 100, aiming to push the boundaries of electronic music. It’s possible that at one point during the concert, The Creature will make an appearance!

Re Patched Fullhd


Daniel Matej POLISH BLOOD [NEVER FAILED ME YET], 2024. 15´
Ljubomir Nikolić MODEL I – IV, 2024. 8´
Bogusław Schaeffer non-stop, 1964. 12´
Elia Moretti TIS IS DIESIS, 2024. 8´
Bogusław Schaeffer Grafika 76, 1981. 3′
Bogusław Schaeffer Grafika 16, 2005. 3′
Orsolya Kaincz Observations in the Inner Field of Two Tones, 2024. 14´

RE-PATCHED ensemble
Petr Vrba (CZ) pocket trumpet, electronics, voice
Elia Moretti (CZ/IT) vibraphone, small percussion, objects, voice
Alexandra Wtorek (PL) percussion, objects, voice
Anežka Matoušková (CZ) voice, electric guitar
Marija Rašić (SRB) electric guitar, electronics, voice
Marcell Csuka (HU) accordion, voice
Pavol Béreš (SK) synthesiser, voice
Orsolyia Kaincz (HU) electronics, voice
Daniel Matej (SK) conducting, electronics, turntable, amplified objects, voice