As an important step of our Green E.Th.I.Cs project, we will present our Climate Changer performance at ÖrkényKÖZ on 6 June. If you are curious to see how a bicycle participates in our theatre board game, meet us at the ÖrkényKÖZ!
Is climate catastrophe inevitable? The temperature of our planet is rising every year. What can we do to tackle climate change?
CLIMATE CHANGER is a theatrical board game with 25 panels that explore the pressing issues of climate and sustainability. Each station features a different scene and game, debating everyday dilemmas of sustainability, true stories and icons of green activism. At each step, teams collect points, but only by working together can they stop the planet’s temperature from rising.
Played by Anna Boznánszky, Laura Döbrösi, Gáspár László, György Somhegyi
Musicians: Szabolcs Sziládi, Ábel Horváth
Costume: pinkponilo – Anna Kudron
Set design: István Tóth
Graphic design: Martin Csajbók
Production Manager: Dimitrov Nikoleta
Project coordinator: Bálint Antal
Consultant: Erzsébet Pados (Greenpeace)
Dramaturg: Pál Nyáry
Director: Dominik Kabdebon
Concept by Dominik Kabdebon, Pál Nyáry
Special thanks to the members of the KAPTÁR youth programme of the Örkény Theatre (Katica Bedő, Sára Bozóki, Johanna Gregorich, Lilla Kecskeméti, Daniella Martin, Erina Sajtos, Orsolya Simon, Dodó Szabó).
The performance lasts 90-120 minutes without intermission.
Premiere date: 5 June 2024, 19:00
The performance is free of charge, but registration is required.