2060 Esemeny Cover


On 5 and 6 September, we will present the interdisciplinary performance of our Stronger Peripheries project Tandem 12, 2060.

The project actually started in May 2023, when we launched a call for Hungarian artists with our tandem partners Le Parvis and Occitanie en Scéne in France, with the theme #RightToTheFuture.

In September, we selected Nóra Juhász to work with us on the call, and since then she has assembled a great team, with whom we are working to present a memorable, thought-provoking and exciting performance at the Three Ravens on 5 September.

About the performance:

Do you remember the 2020s?

The awful clothing, the weird phones, the plastic straws? The seasons? There was still snow, I remember watching skiing videos on social media; we spent days doing nothing just scrolling through these posts. And there was already some basic form of AI…Chat…something? Because it was just chatting.

But people were still meeting each other in person. I bet politicians were not such idiots. There were so many opportunities. Also, I remember that my phone could last a day without charging. Things were not this complicated back then.
I was so young and so full of fear and hope and confusion.

2060 is an interdisciplinary performance about the not-so-far future based on the imagination of the youth of today. Gen Z and Alpha are soon to grow up into this utopian (or dystopian?) future, and live in a reality that evokes fear, anxiety, excitement, ignorance, hope, or despair, depending on who you ask. Between fantasies of space travel and climate crisis, digital and analogue worlds, androids, avatars and plastic straws, 2060 is a high definition panorama of what kind of a future the youth of today will live in a couple of years.

Creators: Nóra Juhász, Patrik Kelemen, Alex Lungu, Botond Szemes, Zita Szenteczki, Ana Túrós
Artistic director: Nóra Juhász

Coproduction Partners: Occitanie en Scène, Pro Progressione

Until then, follow the project on Facebook and Instagram!


5 September:

6 September

Photos about the premiere:

2060 premiere at Három Holló // Photos: Gábor F. Tóth